3600 Lyons Road, Austin, Texas 78744

Some Saturdays from 12-4pm

Summer Featured Prints: Grace Chomick

Grace Chomick is an Austin, TX based artist whose work is often playful with emphasis on the human element in both content and visual language, embracing hand drawn textures and subtle imperfections.

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To Nomi is To Love Me

Our shirt celebrating Klaus Nomi (art by Tim Kerr) is now available, with 100% of the proceeds benefiting the AIDS Action Comittee

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Recspec Gallery Annex

Recspec Gallery Annex is a new project and project space exploring the possibilities of artist installations in unconventional spaces. For 2024 (and possibly beyond), this space will exist as a shipping container in a dirt parking lot you’ve possibly driven by countless times on the east side of Austin, Texas, USA. If you haven’t driven by this particular shipping container, you’ve driven by many like it.

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